Wonderful piece, well written

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If I may, I do not feel any need to apologize for actions of my ancestors. I feel obliged to not repeat any that are repugnant or cause harm to others intentionally or not. For many years, the trope of WM/BW pervaded. Didn’t quite understand if images of white men with pregnant women of color do or do not bother you, and why or why not, because we see double standards regarding age differences as much as we do regarding race/creed in similar contexts.

The vital factors for humankind is all under the skin, IMO.

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The Greatest Thing I Have Ever Read Other Than The Holy Bible.period.

GodBlessYOU 🖤


GoDlOvEsYoU 🩶

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I for one as a white male have never had an issue with interracial couples. As early as 1963 I lived in France. It was not unusual to see the American black soldiers out and about with white French women. Even in the states on military bases it was not uncommon to see black military men married to Asian women. This was in 1962 North Carolina. We all know how racist the South was back then. Just the same, it happened. So this is not a new phenom, maybe more often now, and definitely wider acceptance, but definitely not new.

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